
祝刊行:Time and Body



私もお声がけいただき、大変光栄でした。結果的に、初めてCambridge University Pressから刊行される書籍に原稿を掲載することができました。2年前の講演では私は対人恐怖症について話したのですが、その後のやりとりで対人恐怖症のような日本ローカルな内容でまとめるより「社交不安」のようにより一般的なテーマでまとめるほうがいいのではないかという示唆をいただき、社交不安障害の現象学について初めて本格的な論考をまとめました。「赤面」の経験のように、自己の身体が他者に知覚される場面に、社会的な不安が現れる根源を読み取ろうとしたものです。

Chapter 8 (pp. 150-169)
Tanaka, S. (2020). Body-as-object in social situations: Toward a phenomenology of social anxiety.

The aim of this chapter is to explicate the relationship among social anxiety, bodily experiences, and interpersonal contact with others. In so doing, I will first revisit the phenomenology of bodily experiences and confirm the difference between the body-as-subject and the body-as-object. Next, I will describe the experiences of one’s body-as-object for others, distinguishing them from those of one’s body-as-object for oneself. Among phenomenologists, it was Sartre (1943/1956) who emphasized the former aspect of bodily experiences as the “third ontological dimension of the body.” On the basis of this notion, I will try to develop a phenomenology of social anxiety as well as its disorder. In its most basic form, social anxiety can be described as a feeling of uncertainty of the other’s mind that becomes salient in social situations.